Thursday 26 March 2009

It's quite amusing, really.

My family gave me a dozen white roses last night, just to say good luck for the show. It actually nearly made me cry - thought it was really thoughtful. Actually turned out that it was my brother's childminder's idea, but never mind! It's the thought that counts at the end of the day, and I think that was really, really sweet.

The show went well! We finally got a laugh when Ayesha threw the water at me, so I definitely felt a lot better about that. I also came to realise last night that the show has, once again, helped me to make a few new friends. Chris, of course, is one to mention, especially seeing as I have to crush him when I sit on his knee every night. But, also, people like Grace and Fraiser. I never particularly talked to them before, and now we do. Grace, Nicky and I were all having a good giggle about girls fancying other girls and guys fancying other guys when we were in the dressing room yesterday, and me and Fraiser were dancing around together, trying to do my scene as Fagin. It was really, really good fun, and I really enjoyed it. I'm so glad, now, that I decided to get involved again, because - even though it's caused me a lot of stress - being in the show is the best thing that I have ever decided to do while I was at school.

Bar none.

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