Sunday 15 February 2009


I am officially in love with "Five Years and Counting" by Angel Ibarra. I've got it on MySpace music player just playing and playing and playing. I want his CD dammit - oh wait. He doesn't have one yet. Ah well. I will wait patiently like a good girl. This song is so awesome though.

And I feel right at home,
I'm lost and I don't care.
Yeah, I feel right at home,
Just take me anywhere.

Definitely describes my life half the time - I never know whether I'm coming or going. All I know is that, when I'm in control of it, it better be exciting, because I won't be able to deal with normality. I'll just get bored.

I'm in Wales atm, so prepare yourselves for ambling blogs with no real point to them, because I am going to be bored out of my fucking head this week. I apoligise in advance to you all. This is the first one - I just wanted to tell you all how much I love that song. You should all go on his MySpace and check it out. Just go on MySpace music and search Angel Ibarra. You won't regret it.

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