Wednesday 25 February 2009


I can't find my grade 5 piano music anywhere and my lesson is today. I'm so dead. I'm actually deader than Dead Jack McDead on Dead Day 2009. Arghhhhh! What am I going to do?! My exams in a few weeks and if I can't find my music I'm going to have to go hang myself or something. Mrs Dixon and Mr Holmes have already been on my back since last term, because I kept missing lessons and stuff! Oh no, oh no, oh no! I have no chance of passing!

The other bad news is that I'm giving up swearing for lent! I'm not even a Christian, but me and Rebecca thought it'd be really funny to see how I get on. So far I am really, really struggling. I need to swear about this blooming piano music! I'm gonna explode before Easter comes!


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