Thursday 2 April 2009

25 facts.

I'm bored in music (what a surprise) and so I feel like doing another list of facts about me. These are all completely random so, if you don't quite get summat, just ask me about it and I'll do my very best to explain it for you.

  1. I am terrified of the dark.
  2. I have dreams sometimes that are so realistic that I swear they're the future. Unfortunately, the situations that I dream will almost certainly never happen.
  3. I don't believe in a god or Jesus. I believe that, yes, there is a higher power, but giving it a name is bloody stupid.
  4. People think I'm an attention seeker. It's partly true - I just like to have support and assurance.
  5. I sometimes wish that the life I had before I was 13 could be chopped out of my history.
  6. I once had a panic attack because I was convinced that I was insane and that I was going to be taken away in a straight-jacket.
  7. Ches is the bestest friend I have ever had. Bar none.
  8. I am secretly adventurous.
  9. I have the smallest appetite of anyone that I know of. I once went for three days with only one packet of crisps and I didn't get hungry.
  10. I probably have an alright figure, but I see myself as practically obese when I look in the mirror. It's because I've been bullied so much in my life. If I talk about being fat, I'm not looking for attention there. I honestly think it.
  11. William Roy Francis is amazing and has saved my life so many times.
  12. I love making new friends.
  13. I am convinced that we used to have a poltergeist in our house.
  14. I get really, really, really happy whenever anyone compliments me.
  15. I'm a virgin.
  16. I would be lost without my iPod.
  17. I could play Tetris all day without getting bored. It's the best game in the whole entire world.
  18. My closest friends are: Ches, Annabel, Ellie, Adele and Scoot. I may write a blog just talking about them all at some point, just to let them know that I love 'um :) They probably don't even feel the same way about me, but it's how I feel about them. They're there for me all the time and I can never thank them enough!
  19. I over-use smiley faces all the time when I'm typing!
  20. It offends me most when people insult my singing. I can deal with being called fat and ugly and a bitch and whutever, but if someone says to me, "You're a crap singer", then I feel like going and cutting my own head off.
  21. I adore the number 7.
  22. I'm scared of failure, and I don't deal well with it.
  23. The best gig that I have ever been to in my whole entire life was Aiden on the 1st October 2008. It has seriously affected the way that I live my life. William Control also helped, because I was lucky enough to meet wiL. But it was the Aiden gig, not the William Control gig, that inspired me most.
  24. I can't stand unstraight lines. I know I put that one in my last one, but it's fucking true!
  25. I swear all the time, and I should really, really stop. I tried to give up swearing for lent...I didn't even last an hour. That's how foul my language is.

Well there you go :) Another little insight into what it's like to be me!

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