Monday 6 April 2009

The blog that I promised.

This is a blog for my friends. These four girls and boy make me smile, a lot. One of them I hardly speak to anymore, because he's always so busy, what with being at uni and stuff. But this blog is just me saying how much I adore these kids and why. They probably don't feel that same way back - that's fine with me. I'm not anything remotely interesting. But these kids really are; so here's a little something for them.

Charlotte - people reading this probably know her as Ches. Ches and I have been good friends since the summer of 2006. We've had some good memories; we've had some bad ones. We've had times when we've practically been at each other's throats. But the fact of the matter is that I couldn't do without this girl if I tried. I miss her when she's not around. Our weeks away in Wales have been legendary. She obsesses over Gerard Way, but that's cool. It's kinda intimidating when you walk in her room though. Either way, I don't care. She's been there for me whenever I've needed her - listening to me when I'm upset, laughing with me when I'm happy, allowing me to drag her to gigs...things that most people out there wouldn't stand for. I know that I'm a burden on her a lot of the time, but she doesn't seem to mind (most of the time!). We're best friends till forever and I know that. We've got our whole life together: we're gonna be in a band together, I'm gonna tell her who her future husband is and we're gonna stay neighbours until we're really, really old. She's a weirdo - I'm a weirdo. We fit together and our friendship is one of the most beautiful things in my life. I really love her. Honest.

Annabel - definitely one of the craziest people I have ever come across in my life. She's the kind of person that will start giggling for no real reason. And yet, she's also incredibly sensitive and loving. I still giggle when I think about our week in Italy - memories of which include a pervy salesmen, a funny Italian woman and drunk guys in a pub wanting a bang with us. She doesn't hate me, even after I dyed her hair in the shittiest way possible. I don't really know what I'd do without her because, tbh, she's one of the few people in my life that can cheer me up, no matter what's wrong with me. I really hope that she comes along with me and Ches, dressed in her penguin suit, and starts the crowds for our band. That will be the funniest thing since ever! And, of course, I hope she ends up with Patrick Stump someday :P I love Annabel - and she better effing believe it!

Ellie - boobies. That word sums Ellie up. Not just because she has big boobs (which is true) but also because she seems to have an obsession with touching everyone else's! I feel so comfortable with Ellie, and we actually talk about everything under the sun with her, including naughty things that most people would think I'm a freak for discussing. I love her poetry and all her photography. I don't know how one person has managed to cope with all the stuff that's happened to her and still be as bright and bubbly as she is, but she's done it. Her eyes fascinate me. And maybe she's sat there now, reading this with tears in her eyes and thinking, 'Oh, Roobear is silly!', but it's the truth and I have to say it. Ellie is one of the closest friends I have and I wouldn't - couldn't - trade her for anything in this world. I lobe you, Ellie!

Adele - maybe I've not known her as long as I have everyone else on this, but I don't think that really matters. Adele is actually brilliant, with no exaggeration. Our time at the Angel gig in Manchester should go in the history books, it was so much fun. All our crazy MySpace conversations are fun to think back on, including the one where we decided that we were gonna dress up for X-Factor and sing the Fast Food song. I really hope that we can go travelling together for the next Aiden shows. I think she knows secretly that she's meant to be with wiL! Whenever I write something to do with Aiden, it's always her opinion that matters the most to me, which is why I'm sorta dreading letting her read Sunsets and Car Crashes. But she is lovely and I don't really know what life would be without her now. I just hope that we stay close and have many, many, many more fun conversations, adventures and memories to come. I love you!

Scoot - is the friendliest Yeti that you'll ever meet. I remember talking to him when I was 12; he probably thought that I was the most ridiculous child that he's ever known. But we've grown up (sort of) together and it's been a fantastic friendship. He's been there for me through all the hard times...and all the good times. We've had some pretty immature moments, including the fruit war and him experimenting with his webcam, as well as all the serious ones. I couldn't ask for anyone better. He is seriously just like a big brother to me. I really can't wait for this summer - he's promised to come and see me. It will actually make my summer! I really miss him now, too, seeing as he's at uni. But he's happy and that's all that I'm really bothered about. If he gets hurt, it upsets me, just because I know how fantastic he is and how much good stuff he deserves. I love you, Scooty!

There you go. Mini essays on my closest pals. If you ain't one of them, I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

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