Wednesday 8 April 2009


I want to make my views on this subject very, very clear. The last couple of days have been hell at my house, all because my family cannot seem to grasp that I am not going to blindly believe in some guy that lived and died 2000 years ago. This is not a general religious discussion - this is a blog about my views on Christianity.

As you are probably all aware, Christianity began roughly 2000 years ago, after the death and supposed resurrection of someone called Jesus of Nazareth. Bollocks. The only people who said that Jesus came back from the grave were his best mates. Let's face it, it's a pretty unlikely story. If it was someone else that had said it - perhaps someone who didn't believe in all the stuff Jesus was saying - then maybe it'd be more plausible. But, of course, Jesus only chose to 'appear' in rooms that were locked and contained only the people that had known him in life. There's no hard evidence.

Then you have the problem of the conflicting evidence. Mark's Gospel is believed to have come first out of the four gospels, according to Mrs Wood. Then can someone tell me why the three that were written hundreds of years later, with the same events happening with more symbolic stuff, are still believed? For god's sake - even the end of Mark's gospel was made up. What the hell is wrong with all you people?! You're believing someone's fucking imagination. A lot of the stuff that happens in the bible is said because it symbolises something else: the Syro-Phonecian women's daughter represents the Gentiles; the Jews choose Barabas over Jesus to be saved because the writer wanted it to make it seem like the Jews fault that Jesus was crucified, seeing as he didn't want his Roman readers to be's all a pile of fucking bullshit. How can I - or anyone, for that matter - be expected to believe in a religion that doesn't even tell the whole truth, or hides the truth in this huge cloud of symbolism?

Now, I wanna bring it forward to the modern day. Can anyone tell me why I should follow a religion where the different 'versions' can't agree with each other? They're teaching the same fucking religion, talking about the same fucking man and the same fucking god and reading from the same fucking book! But for some reason, the Roman Catholics'll say one thing, but the Free churches will say another and then the Quakers'll say summat else! What the actual hell? It's ridiculous. From what I understand, Roman Catholics don't even seem to be living on this planet - I'm allowed to say that too, seeing as I live with four of them. I asked my own father - seriously - if he would allow me to have an abortion if I'd been raped and got pregnant; he said no. Since when did the rights of a fucking ball of cells preside over mine - since my dad was a Roman Catholic, that's why. He wouldn't allow me that because he thinks that life begins at conception. Will someone tell me where in the bible it says that?

Christianity is blinding. It's a disease. I don't give a shit if everyone else reading this thinks I'm wrong and hates me forever - believe me, I've been disowned by my own family this week for saying I don't want to follow their religion. I think I can cope with losing a few other people too. I've tried and tried and tried to understand the religion and learn more about it and see if I can accept it, but I can't. It makes me physically ill. There are millions and millions of people out there in the world that are believing a 2000 year old lie.

Yes, I know some of the principals are very honourable - love your neighbour, give to the poor, respect your family, all that. I could probably accept the principals if I didn't have to follow all the other rules and regulations that go along with it - like having to go to church and worship in the set way - but that's not how Christianity works.

The world really needs to wake up.

1 comment:

Eleanor Winfield said...

gosh, i TOTALLY agree.
you just wrote out my entire opinion there, practically word for word :P
don't fret RooBear - i'm on your side :)